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January 24 – February 23
By Bess Wohl
Directed by Angela Mason
Over a quiet dinner for two, Bill and Nancy calmly decide to divorce after fifty years of marriage. While Nancy feels liberated and Bill seems unfazed, their adult sons don’t exactly take it well. As their kids descend on the Grand Horizons senior living community in an attempt to mediate, everything they thought they knew about their parents comes crashing down. This Tony-nominated comedy is a hilarious, heartbreaking commentary on marriage, family, and the wisdom that comes with age—or not.

March 28 – April 27
Book, Music, and Lyrics by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey
Directed by Jacquie Duckworth
Musical Direction by Armando Fox
Choreography by Shelly McDowell
CONTENT ADVISORY: Suggestive Language and Adult Themes.
This rollicking musical is both an homage to the idealism of the fifties and a satire of high schoolers’ age-old desire to be provocative and rebellious. At the heart of the story is the romance between the hot-rodding Danny Zuko and the sweet new girl in town, Sandy Dumbrowski. They had a secret romance in summer, but now back at school, peer-pressure makes their love a bit more complicated. Can Danny maintain his cool status and still make demure Sandy his girl? Grease won the 2008 Tony award for best musical revival. It is among the world’s most popular musicals and has a cult-like following, especially among teens.

May 30– June 29
By Tennessee Williams
Directed by Katina Psihos Letheule
Once the only constant companion of her son Sebastian, Mrs. Violet Venable is distraught by his mysterious death abroad. Sebastian had spurned his mother’s companionship on his last trip, choosing instead to travel with his beautiful cousin Catharine. Since returning to New Orleans, Catharine’s rants about the trip have begun to tarnish Sebastian’s pristine reputation. Violet is ruthlessly determined to protect his memory at any cost. She entreats the aid of a young surgeon specializing in the new field of lobotomy, promising generous funding for his research if he takes Catharine as a patient. As the Doctor and Violet hear Catharine’s tale firsthand, a mother’s illusion becomes threatened by a frightening tale that may just be closer to the truth.

August 22 – September 21
By David Lindsay-Abaire
Directed by ShawnJ West
Southie is a Boston neighborhood where a night out on the town means a few rounds of bingo, and this month’s paycheck covers last month’s bills. In this powerful and ferociously funny story, a single mom who’s lost her job at a dollar store becomes desperate enough to contact an old fling who’s made it out of the neighborhood to see if he’s her ticket to a fresh start. With his signature humorous glow, Lindsay-Abaire explores the struggles and unshakable hopes that come with having next to nothing in America.

October 24 – November 23
By Mary Orr
Directed by Kimberly Ridgeway
This was the inspiration for the 1950s film All About Eve, and the musical Applause. Margo Crane is a big star on Broadway. She never suspects that Eve, the quiet, mousy girl who worms her way into Margo’s confidence is actually an aspiring actress prepared to run over anyone who stands in her way. This play is an engrossing and revealing ‘inside’ story of life in New York’s theatre world.