Suddenly, Last Summer

Suddenly, Last Summer


Once the only constant companion of her son Sebastian, Mrs. Violet Venable is distraught by his mysterious death abroad. Sebastian had spurned his mother’s companionship on his last trip, choosing instead to travel with his beautiful cousin Catharine. Since returning to New Orleans, Catharine’s rants about the trip have begun to tarnish Sebastian’s pristine reputation. Violet is ruthlessly determined to protect his memory at any cost. She entreats the aid of a young surgeon specializing in the new field of lobotomy, promising generous funding for his research if he takes Catharine as a patient. As the Doctor and Violet hear Catharine’s tale firsthand, a mother’s illusion becomes threatened by a frightening tale that may just be closer to the truth.

By Tennessee Williams
Directed by Katina Psihos Letheule

Audio Description by Gravity Access — link for more information

When: May 30-June 29, Friday/Saturday 8 PM, Sunday 2 PM
Where: Altarena Playhouse
1409 High Street, Alameda, CA 94501

THE CAST (in alphabetical order)

Danail Georgiev as George Holly
Jeffrie Givens as Sister Felicity
Jasmine Guerrero as Miss Foxhill
Thomas Hutchinson as Doctor Cukrowicz
Lori Mrochinski as Mrs. Holly
Billie Simmons as Violet Venable
Sarah Zehner as Catharine Holly


Artistic Director: Katina Psihos Letheule
Director: Katina Psihos Letheule


General Manager: Kari Warfield
Box Office Manager: David Saltzer
House Manager: Joan Legaspi
Graphic Design: Jayme Catalano
Photography: Grizzly De Haro


Karen Austin
Karen Butter
Dona Fuller
Bill & Jackie Gibbs
Marlene & Steve Kofman
Pat Macholl
Faye Wilson
C’era Una Volta
Gallagher and Lindsey Property Management